Smart Micro Grids

1. What are Smart Grids?

Smart Grids are powergrids which make optimal use of the latest technologies. They simplify the integration of renewable energy. This process takes place from product to consumer and vice versa. Besides, realtime data is exchanged and smart control at a distance is possible.

2. How do Smart Grids Work?

Smart Grids are an extension of adaptation of the current powerlnie and exist of a information and measurement system with smart meters.

3. What do Smart Grids deliver?

Through monitoring energy, you gain insight in your energy consumption level. Consequently, your have the opportunity to use this information and safe energy consumption, reduce costs, and increase the reliability and transperancy of your energy consumption. Many countries, under which Belgium, promote Smart Grids as an opportunity to lower your energy dependence, and to reduce the world wide global warming problem. Last but not least, you are able to make optimal use of the power line in extraordinary situations.

4. Practical Applications of Smart Grids are?

  1. Meter Reading is not necessary any more, the network administrator has an overview at the web
  2. Deviations and interferences are quickly detected, reported and solved
  3. The powerline can process more variable energy production (for example wind mills and solar panels)
  4. The network is able to control peak values (for example: charging batteries at night)


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Like to contact us directly? This can be done by telephone on +31 (0)413 38 83 80 or by mail

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